
Showing posts from April 16, 2017


FOLLOWING ARE SOME POINTERS TO A SELFISH NATURE: We will go from physical make up of the palm namely - finger shapes and mount configuration and then later towards the lines , to understand this point. We have already seen about the nature of a long fingered person. He is bound to be slow, cautious and calculative in his reaction. Usually when a person in trouble needs help, and asks you and when your reaction is not spontaneous, but , calculative , that is --- when you start thinking, whether helping this person, would be useful for yourself, in the long run, it is not really generous. Is it? Long and thin, bony fingers accentuates this point. Critical nails adds flavour to it. When you observe the mounts,  if the generous mounts Venus and Sun are deficient but the Mount of Moon is over developed, (fig.1) the person tends to be self centred. { Reason:-  Mount of Moon , Mount of Saturn are referred to as ‘ cold mounts’ ;  when they are normally develope...


Are you systematic and orderly or just work whenever you want to , in whims and fancies ? Do you keep your work place neat and organised or cluttered ? We can get some insight about our work style and how orderly and systematic we are , in our general life routine , by observing the palm. A finger which is long is capable of thinking and planning. In general they are patient, detail seeking and worried about the small things in life. If this long finger has  a knot (fig.1a) at the second phalange , the phalange – which represents orderliness in material things , such person will be very particular, about keeping things back in their original place and maintaining their sorroundings neat and tidy. Conic tips over this long, knotty fingers softens their nature. However, if they possess Square tips, they are strict disciplinarians and hard task masters to work with.                       fig 1a     ...