
Showing posts from October 27, 2019


THE   FOURTH OR LITTLE FINGER ( MERCURY FINGER) Though smallest in size, the little finger has greater importance in Palmistry than any other.   The little finger represents the qualities of the planet Mercury. If it touches the first knot of the ring finger, then it is considered to be of normal length. If it is little below the first knot of the ring finger, it is considered to be short. (fig.1) If it is little above , then it is considered to be a long finger, than normal. (ref fig.2) Persons with long little finger, have the gift of gab ( talking at length, smoothly) and are proficient at making new contacts and maintaining them. Their nervous system is well developed and they possess a sharp intelligence. A long fourth finger helps a person participate in politics, trade and various types of business activities. He knows how to make friends and use it to his own advantage. He is very alert. Many successful public speakers, actors, lawyers and business men...


THE THIRD OR RING FINGER ( APOLLO / SUN FINGER) The Ring finger gives us a clue about the person’s response to the external world and its influence upon him.   A person’s desire to impress others, glamour, to exhibit himself,   for fame, his degree of enthusiasm --- all these are indicated by the ring finger. At the base of the ring finger lies the Mount of Sun and hence it represents all the qualities of Sun. The ring finger is said to be normal in length, when it reaches up to the middle of the top phalange of Saturn’s finger. If the ring finger is longer than normal , the amount of self-confidence in a person increases considerably. He is prone to give importance to success and fame than money. He has more enthusiasm for life. (Refer fig.1) If it is equal to the length of the middle finger, a person’s   self confidence goes beyond limits.   He loves taking risks in gambling, horse racing   and other such risky speculations. fig.1 long ring...


THE SECOND OR MIDDLE FINGER ( SATURN FINGER) This finger is called the finger of balance . On one side, is the index finger which represents ego and on the other, the ring finger which denotes, self expression. Lying between them, the middle finger strikes a balance between the ego and the self expression. At the base of the middle finger lies the Mount of Saturn and hence it represents all the qualities of Saturn. A middle finger slightly longer than the index and the ring finger is considered normal. A person with a normally long middle finger is intelligent, sober and steady. If it is longer than the normal, the person does not want to mix with people and tends to run away from social contact. He is a lover of solitude. A short middle finger, indicates frivolity ( lack of respect/ seriousness) and lack of balance. It also reveals a miserly nature. Crooked finger of Saturn indicates a slightly revengeful nature, proving oneself   “always right”   attitude,...