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Showing posts from December 9, 2018


WHO IS GENEROUS? CAN THE PALM SAY IT? Flexibility of the palm – shows the degree of flexibility of the mind and nature and the readiness with which the mind has the power to unfold itself . STIFF, HARD TO OPEN :-   This type of palm implies that the mind is cautious , immobile, closed, inclined to narrowness and stinginess, lacking adaptability. The person is afraid of new ventures and ideas. The manner of dress, the mode of living of their ancestors satisfies the person. They have a practical and religious faith of their fathers , which ,cannot be changed. The person is exceedingly close mouthed and can safely keep a secret. The secret will be kept as safely as he keeps his Rupee. FLEXIBLE : The person who has a flexible palm is extremely sympathetic, attentive, sensitive to others feelings , warm and has a generous heart.