We all know the seven
major types of classifications of palms by the world renowned French
Palmist DÁrpentigny in the 19th
century. They are 1) Elementary palm 2) Square palm 3) Conic Palm 4) Spatulate
palm 5) Psychic palm 6) Philosophical palm and 7) The Mixed palm.
There is another type
of classifying the palms based upon the 4 elements of the universe ,namely
Earth, Water, Air and Fire, which was done by noted British palmist, Fred
Gettings. His popular method can be applied more easily to most of the palms.
Brief explanation of
each type along with pictures are given below:-
1) THE
a) Physical appearance:-
Squarish palm with short blunt
tipped fingers . There are likely to be few lines in the palm- only 3 or 4
lines, in many cases- but these will be strong , giving the hand an uncluttered
look and a feeling of positive strength.
Arched or looped finger prints
invariably go with this type.
b) Psychological
aspect:- they are traditional at heart, solid, stable and down to earth.
Practical, hard working and level headed. These people like an orderly life,
outdoor rural types , fond of physical
activity , they hate being inside for long and have a natural liking for
nature. Extremely persistent , they do not have time for fanciful schemes. Strong in physique and constitution. Earth
types are rarely ill, however, because, they suppress their emotion, they may
be susceptible to digestive disorders. They prefer to eat the routine - simple rice
and dal.
Loyalties light their families,
communities and country. Their happiness lies upon their being able to provide
solid material security for their loved ones.
The Earth
type Fig.1
Affectionate Boring
Accepting Change resistant
Calm Dull
Cautious Dumb
Conservative Habit ruled
Consistent Inflexible
Dependable Limited thinker
Enduring Obstinate
Even tempered One track mind
Hard working Pessimistic
Healthy Possessive
Loyal Secretive
Nurturing Slow
Patient Suppresses emotions
Well mannered
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