MUDRA FOR EAR AND RELATED PROBLEMS - an article from a Palmist table.



Avoid doing anything that is too loud for your ears and affects your balance.

Rest in a quiet, dimly lit room.

Gently massage your earlobes, neck and head.

Drink a cup of hot coffee/tea.

Switch off your mobile.

Join a group which talks positive things.



If you search the net, you may find many Mudra suggestions for relief from Vertigo and Ear related problems. The most effective Mudra I found, for myself and for my clients was - The Shunya Mudra.  This Mudra was suggested by my Mudra guide Late Dr J Jayalakshmi , Chennai.



ELEMENT:  According to Ayurveda, the "Aakash" element (also called Ether) is present throughout the body in the empty spaces between cells, like the hollowness of the intestines, bladder, blood vessels, ears and lungs, essentially representing the space within the body; it is most closely associated with the sense of hearing and is considered , the subtlest of the five elements.  This mudra is beneficial to those with a dominant Vata dosha.

CHAKRAS: Vishuddha Chakra (Throat) is related to Akash and main emotions related to this chakra are trust, creativity . Ajna Chakra ( Third eye)  is also related to Akash element and the emotions related to it are knowledge, intuition and dignity . Sahasrara Chakra (Crown) is also related to Akash and it symbolizes Oneness.


WHO SHOULD DO? When there is an increase in space element,  it feels, like the pressure is acting on eardrums from inside , or sometimes your ears start oozing . These could indicate, that,  your ear problems are because of excess Akash tatva in the body. If you’re having Tinnitus, ear buzzing, hearing loss, dizziness , you may adopt - Shunya mudra.



                                                              Shunya Mudra


 Spread a mat or cloth on the ground.

Sit on it in Sukhasana, Padmasana or Siddhasana. or you can also ,sit on a chair in a comfortable position.

Make sure that your spine is straight.

Next, place your palms on your legs facing upwards.

Now, fold the middle finger and place it at the base of the thumb. Now, place the thumb over the middle finger with a little pressure. Keep the remaining three fingers straight.

Keep your eyes closed and breathe normally.

Keep your mind focused on your breathing and posture.

Soften or close your eyes, and breathe in a relaxed manner with the intention of ‘ healing your being’ . You can also listen to Chants like Om / or any Shlokas which keeps your mind calm and peaceful.

Stay in this state for at least 10 to 15 minutes.

Then, slowly open your eyes.

Best results for any Mudra is reaped, when done early in the morning or on a light stomach. 


  •  It is highly beneficial in all sorts of hearing problems. It is beneficial for both- partial deafness as well as complete deafness- either due to old age or due to some ailments.
  • Useful in various ear problems such as ear aches, tinnitus, infections and other ear problems such as fluid discharge .
  • It helps to overcome motion sickness, dizziness of the head,  and gives significant relief from Vertigo.
  • Beneficial in thyroid and various throat problems.
  • Improves the voice quality of dumb people.
  • Beneficial in problems related to hormonal imbalance.
  • Eases the symptoms of numbness in any part of the body.
  • Reduces cholesterol and improves overall heart health.
  • Helpful for mentally challenged  people  .
  • Reduces the dullness in the body .


NOTE:- Once your issue has been resolved, you should discontinue doing this mudra. 

Did you know?

   Shunya Mudra is also known as the ”Aakash Shamak Mudra” (akash means ether/space or sky and shamak means extinguisher or ‘one which reduces’).  Alternatively it is also referred as Heaven Mudra  as the middle finger also represents heaven. Some ancient texts also mention,  that the practice of this mudra can aid the practitioner to access the heavenly realm or hear the sounds of heaven.

Practice Guidelines:
  • A regular practice of Mudra Therapy consists of doing it 3 times a day for 15 minutes each time until the symptoms are relieved.
  • Practice with both hands for the best results.
  • Doing the mudra with your meditation practice is a wonderful addition.




Disclaimer: If you are taking medicines for any of your ailments as per your physicians advice , please continue to do so. Follow the Mudra technique as a complementary tool , which would facilitate, easy cure and recovery, God willing.

In the next issue, let us talk about another, very useful and interesting Mudra.

Tapasyah Iyer


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