Aim of this article is to emphasize the following MOOL MANTRA . Mool Mantra: Before coming to a conclusion, regarding a query, always chant this! Always , make interpretation about a palm, as a whole, and do not come to a conclusion, by a single sign or feature. A negative symbol, perhaps, is modified, by a positive feature in some other place. Never come to a conclusion, on impulse. Patience is a virtue, more so to a Palm reader! Misconception 1: A short life line , implies, that you are going to die young. Reality: Many octogenarians* have short Life Line , but still they continue to live past age 80. Following is the palm of a lady who is in her mid seventies. Fig.1 fig.1 Meaning: Life Line alone does not decide your longevity. A defective (short/ broken/islanded) Life Line probably indicates a major change in your life OR some bothering painful domestic issues. ...
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