ANGULI MUDRA FOR HEART ATTACK- an article from a Palmist table. Recent days , I have been receiving news from relatives, near and dear , of many cases being hospitalized, due to heart attack. The bothering issue, is that ,all were between the ages of 45 to 55, prime time of Ones’s Life, when your presence in the family is of utmost importance and many important duties, yet unfinished. For most of these cases I had already suggested, either the Life energy increasing Mudra , that is - the Praana Mudra or the Mudra for the heart. But , I observe, people tend to take these suggestions lightly. Rather , they are comfortable with other remedies, such as Name change, Signature change or more easier is wearing gemstones. They think, once you wear the gemstones, it will do magic. It is not so. Unless the Self changes from inside- by lifestyle modification, with good habits, heal...
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